dijous, de juliol 03, 2014

stardate: dos còmics que no fan riure

s’han de llegir en l’ordre en què s’han escrit: 
primer fun home, després are you my mother? 
si no, no s’entenen bé.
són llargs, el segon més que el primer.
són durillos, el segon més que el primer.
no fan gens de gràcia. però m’han fet pensar molt.
després de la primera lectura vaig quedar tocada, confusa i trasbalsada.
les altres em van suggerir que hi insistís.
després de llegir-los dues vegades em sembla que vist cap on he de caminar.
tal com diu la prota a l’acabar: she has given me the way out.

no descarto que més endavant els repeteixi.

His sensibility, his empathy, his intense and differentiated emotional responsiveness, and his unusually powerful ‘antennae’ seem to predestine him as a child to be used –if not misused- by people with intense narcissistic needs.

The true self has been in ‘a state of noncommunication’ as Winnicott said, because it had to be protected. The patient never needs to hide anything else so thoroughly, so deeply, and for solong a time as he has hidden his true self.

The world may observe academic success of a high degree, and may find it hard to believe in the very real distress of the individual concerned, who feels ‘phoney’ the more he or she is successful.

The moment when a feeling enters the body is political.

I’m always trying to discern a pattern in the checkered history of my own liaisons. But the only constant I can find is that as soon as I’m sure the other person has cathected me, too, I want to flee.

For someone having this much sex, I felt curiously impotent. Like I wasn’t really there.

I know she gave me what she could.

I guess I felt like I’d failed her. She had so many demands on her... the one thing she needed from me was that I not need anything from her.

... I didn’t feel anger. I felt completely blank.

I tried to observe my feelings. But I could penetrate no further than a thick, calluslike layer of guilt.

Here’s the vital core of Winnicott’s theory: the subject must destroy the object. And the object must survive this destruction.
If the object doesn’t survive, it will remain internal, a projection of the subject’s self. If the object survives destruction, the subject can see it as separate.

I am alternately envious and contemptuous of people who finish their phone conversations with a rote ‘I love you.’

2 comentaris:

Barbollaire ha dit...

És que no tots els "còmics" fan riure...

Hi ha molts autors que fan servir aquest format com una altre via narrativa.
De fet, jo diria, que no has llegit uns còmics, sinó unes novel.les gràfiques.
Com són Mauss i Persepolis per possar un parell d'exemples moderns.

Si anem un xic més enrere, Will Eisner, el creador de The Spirit, va ser el precursor, o un d'ells, amb narracions com "A contract with God"

Res, que tot aquest comentari taaaaaant pedant, per dir-te que no tot són els super herois de la Marvel o DC, ni Tintin, Astèrix o Super-Lòpez...

També hi ha el Corto Maltès (hehehehehe!)

A fruir de les lectures...;)

kika ha dit...

moltes gràcies, barbollaire. sóc una recent iniciada al món dels còmics. perseolis em va encantar. prenc nota de les teves sugerències.